Monday, 9 August 2010

In the Cave

We all go through Hard times. It energises some of us and propels us forward while it paralyses others and stops them in their tracks! Imagine you've been a high achiever all your school days, you graduated with a 1st class degree, you now got a good job. You have a good friendship network, and you're preparing to get married soon. All of a sudden, life turns on you. Everything that used to go well doesn't anymore.

There's someone who can relate to this in the Bible - David!

David had everything going for him. Samuel anointed him to be king; he defeated Goliath; Saul chose him as a musician and warrior; the army loved him and wrote songs about him. THEN his life fell apart. He lost his job and his marriage failed; Samuel his old mentor died; his best friend Jonathan couldn't help him, and Saul's soldiers hounded him until he had to hide in a cave.

At some point we all do time in the cave! It's where you end up when all your earthly supports are gone. It's where you learn important things about yourself that you can't learn anywhere else. It's where God does some of His best work in moulding you into the likeness of Christ.

It's where your worst inadequacies confirm that you're out of your depth, and where God sends His power to flow through your weakness.

When David prayed, 'You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living,' he had no way of knowing there was a crown in his future, or that he wasn't going to die in hiding. For all he knew, this cave he was in right now might be as good as it gets.

When you're in a situation you can't fix, can't change and can't escape, trust God! Trust God! Trust God! As long as your sense of security is tied solely to your success, it'll always be fragile. But when you know that God is with you even at your lowest point, you can handle the cave and come out stronger!

- Adapted from UCB Word for you today

It's in the Cave, where the mirky waters threatens to swallow us and the echoes of silence haunt us; where the ropes of loneliness and starvation tie us down and the darkness completely obscures our is there and then that we need to Completey TRUST God, taking refuge in Him.

Psalm 142: 5 - I cry to you, O LORD; I say, "You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living."

...The love of God is like the ocean,you can see its beginning, but not the end. :-)

Monday, 2 August 2010

It's all in The BOOK

The Greatest Book ever written. It's Author is the Almighty omniscient God. With only 66 books - 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament - it covers all situations in Life. Yet somehow, we never manage to ever 'finish' reading it.

You could read the Bible for a lifetime and not 'scratch the surface'.

There's no other book Like it. Here's an excerpt from 'UCB Word for you Today':

"There's an aura the Bible generates that no other book does. Martin Luther said, 'The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me.' Try laying a newspaper on your table at a restaurant and no one will give you a second look. But lay your Bible on it and they'll stare at you, watch you chew your food, and maybe even take a note of your licence plate when you get into your car. That's because the Bible creates a sense of God's presence that forces a reaction in the hearts of men and women.

We are changed as we read it. Our core values are altered, peace enters our spirit, joy wells up within our heart. 'The Word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us to what we really are' (Hebrews 4:12 )."

"...but the word of the Lord stands forever. And this is the word that was preached to you". 1 Peter 1:25

The Word Is Alive and when it goes out it stands; it has to accomplish something so it would not return back to God void. The answers you need are in your Bible, so make it part of your everyday life. It's our manual for daily living, it's all in The Book! We just need to make time to study it. Now i don't mean a quick glance while you're in a hurry to get somewhere. you need in-depth studying, pondering on what you have read, searching the scriptures ... You need understanding!

Acts 17:11 "Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."

...The love of God is like the ocean,you can see its beginning, but not the end. :-)