Thursday, 12 June 2008


I was listening to a song by India Arie the other day and the words ministered to me.

the song goes: 'just for today, i will not worry

what tomorrow will bring'.

In Matthew 6:25-34, it says "do not worry about your life......Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow wil worry about itself".

As christians we live a life of faith. we move through life blind-folded and when we come to the edge of a cliff, it's either God gives us the wings to fly or there's something down there for us to land on- Now that's faith!

you know what; you don't know tomorrow but God does!

He not only knows tomorrow but he knows the day after and the weeks and months following that too.

so when you find yourself wondering praise Him. praise is an expression of your faith!

further into India Arie's song, it says:

'.....i just do my best,

put one foot in front of theother

keep on miving forward

let God do the rest.'

we all have a purpose beut one thing is for certain- if you don't move, you won't know what that purpise is and definitely won't get it fulfilled. you've got to put God in control, listen to that small still voice and you'll be led day by day, a step at a time.

life is a mystery, embrace it, enjoy it and take your directions from God!.

The Lord is good all the time!

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