Tuesday 20 May 2008


Luke 5:26 “All the people were completely amazed and began to praise God. They were filled with much respect and said ‘today, we have seen amazing things!”

Simon peter had had a very bad day. He tried catching fish but to no avail. Suddenly he receives an instruction from Jesus to cast his net into the sea. Imagine that! After being at sea all day trying just to catch a couple of finish; you are on the verge of giving up and going home and then somebody comes and tells you to give it one more go. You might be thinking – why should I listen to this person, after all I have been here all day and nothing has worked so what makes this one go special?
But because of that single act of obedience and faith, the Bible says that they caught so much fish that their boat almost sunk!That’s impressive.Now if that doesn’t impress you, then listen to this. A paralyzed man who had never walked in his life was brought to Jesus.He never knew the feeling of what is was like to use his feet; to put those feet on the ground and move them one after the other. However the day came when he was instructed to stand up, take his mat and go home! He went home praising God.

So dear brothers and sisters, you will see amazing things too! The people then are as good as the people now, God is cooking something BIG that will leave you amazed. Remember to have faith and think BIG, you will surely see amazing things in your life.
Remain Blessed.

There are only two ways to love your life, one is as though nothing is a miracle and the other is as though everything is a miracle- Albert Einstein

A smiling face is half the meal. - Latvian Proverb

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.-Walter Winchell

The Lord is good all the time!

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