Sunday 12 October 2008

Learn from the spider [2]- use your God-given sense of discernment

The spider may have eight eyes, yet many spiders can barely see. What makes it an avid hunter is obviously not the eyes but the sensitivity in the hair follicles on its legs which can discern everything around it!

The message here is that you can discern more with your spirit than you can see with your eyes.

“…But you have been anointed by the Holy one and you all know” (1 John 2:20)

God will let you know things that you can neither prove nor explain. He gives inside information to those who seek to glorify him. You have great power; stop living beneath your spiritual privilege.

How many times have your eyes told you that you’re not gonna make it, but your spirit kept saying ‘everything will be alright’?
The spirit of God within can see further than your natural eyes can. The spirit of discernment can only be got when you remain in HIM.

Start walking in discernment…Stay close to God and he will show you things to come.

The Lord is good all the time!

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